Detailed help and instructions are available at the bottom of this page.
For any further questions, feel free to contact us at : [email protected]

Help & Instructions

Q: Do my loyalty points have an expiration date ?
A: No, there is no expiration date to your loyalty points.

Q: Do I need to have an account in your shop in order to use my loyalty points ?
A: Yes, in order to use your points and redeem a loyalty coupon you need to create an account. You can do it either at the checkout or by creating a new account here.

Q: How can I get my 10% discount at my first order ?
A: Enter the coupon WELCOMEIKKYU in your checkout before placing your first order.

Q: How do the loyalty points work ? Can I use them anytime ?
A: Our loyalty points are based on a coupon system (loyalty coupon), which allow you to redeem a coupon of 5, 10, 15 or even 20% when you reach the needed amount.

Q: How do I use my loyalty coupons ?
A: Your loyalty points app is available on the left bottom of your screen, by clicking on the button you will have a special window with all information (you need to be signed in) about your points.

From there you can redeem your points which will create a coupon that you can apply at the checkout.

Video Tutorial